I’m a photographer and writer and an enthusiastic oenophile. Just as I love to photograph California’s amazing varieties of wilderness, I also love to explore its various wine regions (and those far abroad, too). My features focus on great stories and great process; as a former journalist, I have an affinity for narrative and have always loved to learn how things work. The wine and spirits industry has SO many great stories–this is where I share those stories, and offer my take on certain wines in between the stories. Because when I find a tasty wine, I like to share.** Be sure to follow me on Instagram for wine recommendations (and random winery BTS, some of my nature photography, a lot of garden photography, and, best of all, occasional CAT PICS).
Thanks to the COVID shutdowns I’ve moved on from my previous social media work with a local winery, so I’m available for any social media, website (WordPress layout/design, blog writing, etc.), or photography work you might need if you’re a small winery. I can work easily from any location, so feel free to get in touch even if you aren’t local to Lodi!
This blog is about my sharing what I’ve learned–and continue to learn–and spreading a little vino love. So grab a corkscrew and a glass, and join me!
**So how do I choose the people and wines I profile? Easy! You have to make good wine (and extra points for having a great story to tell). All of my profiles are a result of my having tasted, and been impressed by, a particular wine and/or spirit. It’s that simple–if I like (preferably if I REALLY REALLY like) your wines, I’m going to be interested in your story. How did you do this? Why did you do this? I am constantly on the look for new (or new to me) and interesting wines, and the people behind them.
If I don’t happen to stroll into your tasting room or encounter you at a wine event of some kind, feel free to send your wine. Check my samples policy for more info.